Oh my, he was so tiny yet perfectly formed and just gorgeous! His name was Diesel, and he was hopping and bouncing and skipping all over the place - he was only 13 weeks old so was probably on one of his first walks. Initially the woman owner said she'd steer clear because hers jumps over dogs and they don't like it, and I joked with her that I knew the feeling with mine! When she heard that she asked if they'd be ok to say hello and of course I agreed. Sara was as good as gold; she adores puppies anyway and happily let this wee thing bounce around her...she even sniffed his bum so I was thrilled! It's quite rare for her to greet that way, she often bounces like a loon, shies away or barks/snarls/lunges.
I hope we see more if little Diesel, I think they could become great playmates!
Isn't it wonderful when 2 dogs meet and become friends,grown dogs and pups I just love it Xena has so many doggy friends that she plays with down in the woods us owners stand and have a chat while our dogs have a whale of a time just running around and playing together,then we all go on our seperate ways all dogs under control too.I know Xena will come with me and have all confidence in her she has got so much better this last couple of weeks guess she is growing up and is learning too she is getting to be a good girl.Kristina