Can hardly believe it but today the 1st March means I have had Domino a whole year .....already.! Time has flown by. Looking back I think weve come a long way over coming quite a few hurdles along the way. People have noticed the change in him, hes much more like the dog he used to be. Took a while for me to get used to his ways being so different from opposites really , she was calm quiet and gentle he is full of mischief fun and active full spead ahead , but just as loving. Still got a few issues to iron out but were getting there, so impressed with my wee man.
wow and what a fabulous job you have done with your boy,I remember you asking for help because he did not like being touched round his tail area and now look at you two a big fat well done to you he is a very lucky boy to have you as his mummy xxx
You have done an amazing job with Domino,can't believe it's a year gone by know how you feel though my old girls quiet and calm good as gold like you said like a pair of old slippers,lordy I miss them so,but like Domino a new challenge in our lives and my pup the biggest yet for me doggy wise just hope we achieve the same as you have,think also for me will take awhile.Kristina
Happy 1 year anniversary! I absolutely LOVE reading about you both, and how you're progressing; you've done such a wonderful job with him, and it's easy to see how happy he is
Gosh, a year already, its been quite a year for you both.. some changes, he is a different dog to that little boy that wouldn't be touched or groomed... I bet you cant recall what you did with your time before he joined you now?
Professional Canine Ethologist, Dog trainer and Behaviourist.
No Force, +R, Reward Based Methods.